

AstroChain aims to unite astronomy enthusiasts in an ecosystem, offering a dApp for NFT-based space content, sky scanning devices, and a metaverse platform for education and research.
Applied on: 8 May 2024 10:11 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 8 May 2024 11:01 PM
Project aligns with one of the specific subsystems(area of focus) within Astrochain's development: AstroFeed, AstroCenter, AstroPrint, or AstroStore.
The project details indicate that Astrochain involves several components that align with the listed specific subsystems: AstroFeed (decentralized app for astrophotographers), and the AstroChain Central Hub (metaverse space for education, which could relate to AstroCenter).
Project has a clear and accessible website with detailed information about the project's goals and components.
As per the provided information, the project maintains a website ( which explains the purpose, components, and provides visual materials for the Astrochain project.
Project demonstrates a benefit to the community in the areas of Astronomy, Astrobiology, and Astrophysics.
Astrochain aims to advance space exploration for enthusiasts and provide educational and research prospects by its decentralized app, sky scanning devices, and metaverse experiences according to the project description.
Project is open to public contributions and prioritizes decentralized and federated development.
The provided details discuss decentralization in terms of app functionality (AstroFeed) and the user's interaction with the platform (AstroHubs), but there is no clear indication of the project being open to public contributions or its federated development structure.
Project includes IPFS support or integration.
The project description mentions that data is stored on the IPFS network, particularly in reference to the AstroHubs' scanned data.
The project should have a demonstrable record of regular commits on Github if applicable.
No Github profile or activity is provided, with 'N/A' listed for the project's Github. It's unclear if this is because the project is private, not hosted on Github, or for another reason.
Project team size is between 1-20 members.
The application indicates the team size is 5, which meets the specified team size requirement.
Project is funded by sources that do not create a conflict of interest within the Astrochain development ecosystem.
The application states that the project's source of funding is Gitcoin, which does not seem to create a conflict of interest with the Astrochain development ecosystem.
Project has not received funding from sources controversial within the space and astronomy community.
The application indicates funding only from Gitcoin, with no mention of controversial sources within the space and astronomy community.
Project's mission includes empowering and educating the next generation in the field of Astronomy or related sciences.
The project aims to educate through astronomy and provide educational opportunities for the next generation as stated in the ACC KIDSHub component of the Astrochain project.