

Web3 community platform utilizing blockchain for secure, transparent communication and transactions among users, influencers, and projects, with promotional tools, auctions, and reward opportunities.
Applied on: 21 Apr 2023 02:29 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 14 Feb 2024 04:24 AM
The project must be focused on improving the Web3 ecosystem.
Onlyfun aims to establish connections between users, project parties, and KOLs within the Web3 environment using blockchain technology, therefore focusing on improving the Web3 ecosystem.
Projects must be older than 3 months.
The provided information does not include when the project was initiated; therefore, it cannot be determined if it is older than 3 months.
Projects must have a proven track record in the Web3 space and list their long-term goals and recent milestones.
While the description showcases the project's features, there is no explicit mention of a proven track record, long-term goals, or recent milestones, aside from open and closed issues on GitHub, which alone do not demonstrate a track record in the Web3 space.
Examples of projects which may fit are those that are: Growing new communities, Providing educational resources, Creating content (youtube tutorials, newsletters, blog posts, podcasts, etc), Protecting users by investigating bad actors, DAOs focused on socialization, Onboarding new users, Working on inclusion/diversity/advocacy
Onlyfun contributes to growing new communities within Web3 and encourages socialization among users, KOLs, and project parties, fitting the examples of eligible projects.
Satisfy the Program General Eligibility Policy in addition to the requirements outlined above.
The Program General Eligibility Policy details are not provided, thus precluding a definitive assessment of the project's compliance with those policies.