Test Project V2
Applied on: 25 Mar 2024 07:59 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 26 Mar 2024 12:06 AM
The project must have a clear public benefit.
Project description is not sufficient to determine a clear public benefit.
The project must be open source.
No Project Github link is provided to verify the open-source nature of the project.
The team must be known and have a history of working on open source / web3 projects.
No User Github information is provided to identify the team and their history.
The project must not be a 'shitcoin' or otherwise have the appearance of being designed for pump-and-dump.
Lack of detailed project description and absence of GitHub or social media links make it difficult to assess the credibility and intent of the project.
The project must not be involved in any form of hate speech, discrimination, mass surveillance, or other activities considered unethical.
No sufficient information is provided to determine whether the project is involved in unethical activities.
There must be signs of recent activity in the project's development (commits in the past 3 months).
No Project Github link is provided to view recent activity or to verify if there are any commits in the past 3 months.
The project should have notability in the space (number of stars on Github, product usage, etc.).
No Project Github link is provided to determine notability through stars, forks, or product usage.
The project should have a working prototype.
Without a Project Github link or a detailed project description, it's not possible to determine if a working prototype exists.
The project should be aligned with the goals and values of the Gitcoin community.
Insufficient information about the project's alignment with Gitcoin community's goals and values.