Meg's Meme Factory
Applied on: 1 Sep 2023 07:41 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 04:57 AM
Project name
The project name 'Meg's Meme Factory' is clearly stated.
Project website
A URL '' is provided for the project website, though it links to a generic search engine rather than a project-specific page.
Project description
A description and visual representation of the project have been provided, indicating it deals with meme submission.
Project Twitter
A Twitter account '' linked to the project is provided.
Project Github
The provided GitHub link '' is to the Gitcoin organization, not specifically tied to 'Meg's Meme Factory' project.
User Github
The Github account '' of the user is provided.
Github recent activity
Recent activity shows more than 5 commits in the past 3 months for the user's GitHub account, suggesting active development.
Project Github activity
There is no specific recent activity related to 'Meg's Meme Factory' on the provided project GitHub link; the data provided corresponds to a different project structure.