Astrochain - Decentralized Science

Astrochain - Decentralized Science

Astrochain offers a decentralized app bridging astronomy and blockchain, allowing users to capture celestial data, mint NFTs, engage in an online community, and access educational content.
Applied on: 8 May 2024 07:20 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 8 May 2024 08:03 PM
Alignment with 'AstroFeed' subsystem focus
The project describes the AstroFeed dApp which aligns with the AstroFeed subsystem focus on providing a decentralized social media network for astronomers.
Alignment with 'AstroCenter' subsystem focus
The project's AstroChain Central Hub (ACC) appears to be a digital space that could align with the AstroCenter criteria for a metaverse space for community research and science education.
Alignment with 'AstroPrint' subsystem focus
The project does not describe a decentralized preprint server or integration with AstroPrint.
Alignment with 'AstroStore' subsystem focus
The AstroHUB Devices component seems to capture and record anomalies, suggesting the creation of a structured astronomical catalog on the blockchain, thus meeting the AstroStore focus.
Project has publicly accessible website
The project has provided a URL to their website which is publicly accessible.
Project has a clear description of goals
The project has a clear description of its goals to bring space exploration to enthusiasts and create an ecosystem for sharing and trading astronomical content.
Project demonstrates community engagement
While the project has a Twitter handle and a description of interactive components, there is insufficient information to determine the level of current community engagement.
Presence of a development team
The team size is mentioned as 5, indicating there is a team present, although no specific details or Github presence is provided.
Monetary transparency
The project states 'Funding Sources: Gitcoin,' but no further details are offered on their funding structures or monetary transparency.
Maintenance of a public project repository
No public repository or Github link is provided, and thus there is no evidence of a maintained public repository.
Sufficient documentation for project understanding
The project website and description provide visuals and explanations that contribute to an understanding of the project's components and aims.
Consistency in project's roadmap and timeline
There are no clear roadmap or timelines provided to determine consistency or progress measures.
Evidence of past project development activity
Without public Github activity or development history, it is unclear if there is evidence of past development activity.
Evidence of open-source contributions
No public Github repository is provided; thus, no evidence of open-source contributions can be ascertained.