Astrochain - Decentralized Science

Astrochain - Decentralized Science

Astrochain offers a decentralized app bridging astronomy and blockchain, allowing users to capture celestial data, mint NFTs, engage in an online community, and access educational content.
Applied on: 2 Apr 2024 08:00 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 2 Apr 2024 08:07 PM
Allo 2 protocol. EcoSynthesisX Spring round as a space for showcase public good projects, foster coordination and bring funding for bigger impact!
Astrochain collaborates with EcoSynthesisX specifically to increase accessibility of decentralized science, aligning with the overarching theme of showcasing public good projects and fostering coordination for a bigger impact.
Experimental approach on public good funding utilizing hyperstructure vision and Gitcoin infrastructure.
Astrochain's use of NFTs to verify and trade authentic astronomical data aligns with an experimental approach on public good funding and utilizes the vision of hyperstructure by building on top of blockchain technology.
Open for applications.
Astrochain is presenting itself for evaluation, which indicates that it is open for applications to funding opportunities.
Project name: Astrochain - Decentralized Science
The project name matches exactly with the name given for evaluation, confirming its identity.
Project website:
The project has an accessible website that provides detailed information about its goals and components, satisfying the criterion for having a project website.
Project description: Astrochain collaborates with EcoSynthesisX for increasing accessibility about decentralized science on the blockchain through science communication efforts.
The project description provided clearly states the collaboration with EcoSynthesisX and the focus on decentralized science, which meets the criterion of having a specific project description.
Project Twitter:
Astrochain has an active Twitter profile, meeting the criteria for social media presence.
Project Github: N/A
There is no Github link provided, so it is unclear whether the project has a repository for code or documentation. This could be either because the project doesn't require one or it hasn't been provided.
User Github: N/A
No information is provided about a user Github, and therefore it's uncertain whether the creators or contributors have a Github presence.
Github recent activity (only view recent activity if there's more than 5 commits in the past 3 months):
There is no accessible Github repository to review for recent activity; therefore, this criterion cannot be met without further information.