ReFi Lagos (#projectOlókun)

ReFi Lagos (#projectOlókun)

Combat deforestation in Nigeria by promoting climate awareness and organizing tree-planting events with local volunteers to reduce GHG emissions and improve biodiversity.
Applied on: 20 Apr 2024 09:17 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 20 Apr 2024 10:02 AM
Projects should directly support the mission of DeSci to innovate scientific research by exploring novel mechanisms of funding, conducting, and disseminating scientific research in an open, inclusive, and accessible manner.
ReFi Lagos (#projectOlókun) is directly supporting the mission of DeSci by conducting tree planting events, promoting climate change awareness, and enhancing ecosystem services in rural communities. They engage local volunteers in scientific activities, making the research process more inclusive and accessible. Their usage of Silvi protocol indicates a novel mechanism for tracking and funding their activities.
DeSci projects most commonly support this mission by building and testing necessary technological infrastructure, but projects may also be eligible if they are deploying existing DeSci infrastructure in a scientific research context or if they are educating and recruiting members of the scientific community to contribute to the mission.
The project is deploying existing DeSci infrastructure in the form of Silvi protocol to the context of ecological and climate research. Moreover, they are educating and engaging the community through workshops to contribute to climate awareness, which aligns with recruiting members of the community into a broader scientific mission.
Concrete examples of issues covered by the DeSci mission include: the data reproducibility crisis and archaic data sharing practices; misaligned incentives and poor practices in scientific publishing and peer review; financial, linguistic, and academic barriers to globally inclusive research; intellectual property, patents, and financial incentives to trade progress for profits; academic disconnect and poor science/health literacy and trust in the lay public and government representatives.
While the project contributes to environmental conservation, it does not directly address issues like the data reproducibility crisis or archaic data sharing practices. However, they might be addressing barriers to research inclusivity and science literacy by engaging local communities in Nigeria. The information provided is insufficient to conclusively determine their impact on these specific DeSci issues.
Projects must satisfy the Gitcoin Program General Eligibility Policy in addition to the requirements described above.
Based on the information provided, there is no indication that ReFi Lagos (#projectOlókun) does not meet the Gitcoin Program General Eligibility Policy. The criteria such as not encouraging malicious platform manipulation appear to be adhered to, as there is no evidence suggesting otherwise.