Ayowecca Uganda : Skills training for women & girls in rural & indigenous communities for economic empowerment and crypto education in Tororo Uganda

Ayowecca Uganda : Skills training for women & girls in rural & indigenous communities for economic empowerment and crypto education in Tororo Uganda

Project summary: AYOWECCA UGANDA aims to empower marginalized communities through vocational skills training, including Web3 and computer literacy, tailoring, catering, salon services, agroforestry, and environmental sustainability, targeting women, dropouts, widows, and orphans in Uganda.
Applied on: 19 Feb 2024 10:25 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 20 Feb 2024 01:04 PM
Integrate Glo Dollar in your platform
The project description does not mention the integration of Glo Dollar into their platform.
Or: hold at least 10% or $1000 of your treasury in Glo Dollar
The project description does not provide information on the treasury or mention holding Glo Dollar.