Distributed Governance Score Framework: DAO Index

Distributed Governance Score Framework: DAO Index

Developing the DAO Index, a standardized framework tool to enhance transparency and governance by benchmarking organization alignment with decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs).
Applied on: 7 Aug 2024 09:26 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 7 Aug 2024 10:01 PM
At least one project lead must be a member of the OpenCivics Consortium
The project application does not specify whether any project lead is a member of the OpenCivics Consortium.
Projects must conduct research that is Creative Commons as a public good
The project commits to making all research outputs open-source and freely accessible, aligning with the requirement to provide research as a public good.
Research must fall into one of the focus areas listed in the round description
The project's research focuses on developing a framework for DAO governance, which is likely to align with the round's focus areas on civic innovation and knowledge production related to governance.
Projects must agree to coordinate and collaborate during and after the round with other grantees to collate and present their research progress in a Grantee Impact Showcase prior to GG22
The project description includes commitments to collaborative development and sharing findings, indicating a willingness to coordinate and collaborate with other grantees.
Grant applications must direct funds to a multi-signature wallet
The application does not specify whether funds will be directed to a multi-signature wallet.
Projects must indicate what collaborative mechanism they will utilize to govern, evaluate and compensate participant contributions (Coordinape, DeWork, Charmverse, Notion, DAO Haus, Google Docs & Sheets, etc)
The project application does not specify any collaborative mechanism for governing, evaluating, and compensating participant contributions.
Projects must indicate reasonable and verifiable milestones for the following possible funding amounts received: $1,000; $3,000; $6,000
The project application does not list specific milestones for the given funding amounts.