FOMO Foundation
Applied on: 14 Sep 2023 07:30 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 06:36 AM
Projects in this domain should introduce novel blockchain protocols, consensus mechanisms, or architectural enhancements. Clear documentation outlining the proposed protocol's technical details and potential benefits is required.
The provided information does not include specifics about the project's novelty in blockchain protocols, consensus mechanisms, or architectural enhancements, nor is there any clear documentation referenced.
Demonstrating the feasibility and potential impact of the new protocol through simulations or prototypes is preferred. The project should address potential challenges, risks, and mitigation strategies.
There is no information available that indicates whether the FOMO Foundation has demonstrated feasibility through simulations or prototypes, or if they have addressed potential challenges, risks, and mitigation strategies.
Projects should introduce a technically innovative solution that addresses existing limitations or challenges in the blockchain space. Protocols that ensure a high degree of decentralization and propose mechanisms for effective on-chain governance are highly encouraged
The description and public sources provided lack detail on the specific innovative solutions or the approach towards decentralization and on-chain governance.
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The assessment does not indicate whether the project creators have joined the specified Telegram group, which is a mandatory requirement.