deCredit Score

deCredit Score

Developing a user interface for the Ethereum Attestation Service to visually represent trust scores, thereby facilitating the adoption of decentralized finance (DeFi) in Latin America.
Applied on: 16 Feb 2024 05:54 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 16 Feb 2024 06:01 AM
Builders and developers need a GitHub or have a mechanism in which they report previous activity besides the Arbitrum forum.
The project has provided links to a GitHub account with recent activity indicating previous work that is relevant to the Gitcoin project proposal.
Deliver a sketch of the work before the start of the round, this can be code, presentation or writing, the idea you plan to carry out, Gitcoin.
The project has provided a Figma file link showcasing the UI prototype, which serves as a clear sketch of the proposed work.
The use of the Arbitrum forum will be a priority in which we will create a specific section to report the progress of this round, so that the grantees become familiar with Governance governance and are motivated to read the forum. We need the advances and updates every two weeks in the 'Community Alliance, Beyond Coordination' thread in Arbitrum Forum
While the project seems committed to engaging with the community, there is no explicit mention in the provided information of adhering to the specific bi-weekly update schedule in the Arbitrum Forum.
We need traceability of the work of the people who report, given that the tools do not yet exist and this could be the outline of the future of impact tracking.
The project has demonstrated a level of traceability through its active GitHub account and by making a public working UI prototype available.
The grantee needs an X, Warpcast, GM or any social account where they can be reached.
The project has provided a Twitter account link, which shows that the grantees are reachable and have a social media presence.
Open Code and think as a public goods for communities in Latam.
While the project appears to embrace open source principles and has the intention to serve as public goods for communities in LatAm, it is not explicitly stated that the code will be open for the public.