
An automation protocol streamlining personal saving by unifying non-custodial yield and loan opportunities to enhance wealth generation, reduce friction, increase transparency, and ensure self-custody.
Applied on: 24 May 2024 08:34 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 25 May 2024 12:12 AM
Project builds exclusively within the Uniswap-Arbitrum ecosystem
Torque integrates liquidity provisioning routes that involve Uniswap pools on Arbitrum and is looking to expand support for these pools.
Project fosters growth within Uniswap-Arbitrum ecosystem
The project aims to bolster liquidity in Uniswap V3 pools and introduce more assets, which aligns with fostering growth.
Focuses on long-term benefits to Uniswap-Arbitrum ecosystem
By supporting continuous development, distribution, security, and liquidity incentives, the project addresses long-term benefits and sustainability.
Project innovation in Liquidity Management and Derivative Protocols
The project introduces automated liquidity provisioning routes and leverages derivative tokens like tBTC and tUNI, which bring innovation.
Clarity in how funds will be utilized
The fund utilization plan is detailed and covers development, distribution, security, and liquidity incentives with clear allocations.
Metrics and KPIs for project success
The project aims to measure success through TVR (total value routed), which is a suitable KPI for usage and liquidity routing performance.
Alignment with Uniswap's goals
Torque's automated liquidity provisioning and support for Uniswap pools on Arbitrum align well with Uniswap’s goals of decentralization and liquidity enhancement.
Appropriate target audience
The target audience is clearly defined as Millennials and Gen Z, which underscores a broad and relevant market for DeFi solutions.
Milestones and deliverables
The project has clear milestones with specific deliverables including the expansion of supported assets and engagement with community feedback.
Experienced project team
The team has relevant experience in web3 development and previous work including the completion of key project milestones.
Funding status and history
The project has received small grants from Compound and Arbitrum community round, suggesting existing support without over-reliance on grants.
Security audit status
The project has undergone a security competition and addressed the findings, indicating a commitment to security standards.
Open-source status
Torque is an open-source project with a publicly accessible GitHub repository.
Demonstration or demo availability
A demo is available upon request, demonstrating transparency and readiness to showcase the project.
Compliance with Code of Conduct and application completeness
The applicant has confirmed the accuracy and completeness of the application and acknowledged the Code of Conduct.
KYC/KYB information requirement understanding
The applicant has expressed an understanding of the requirement to provide KYC/KYB information if the application is accepted.
Source of awareness about UAGP
The applicant learned about UAGP from Uniswap Governance, indicating they are well-engaged with the ecosystem.