ReFi Medellín - Join the movement towards a more sustainable and equitable future in Medellín, Colombia
Project to empower Medellín's youth with Web3 and ReFi innovations to tackle local challenges via onboarding, hackathons, incubation, and investment, seeking $28,200 for activities and events.User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 14 Feb 2024 06:58 AM
Projects must be at least 3 months old. Newer projects should establish themselves and submit to the next round.
Without specific commencement dates, it's not possible to verify the project's age. The provided Github activity shows more than three months of activity, but this doesn't conclusively prove the project's overall age.
The project must be focused on improving the Web3 ecosystem through building community and/or creating educational content.
The ReFi Medellín project appears to be focused on improving the Web3 ecosystem by fostering community discussions, hosting hackathons, and empowering the youth, which aligns with educational and community-building objectives.
Examples of projects which may fit are those that are: Growing new communities, Providing educational resources, Creating content (youtube tutorials, newsletters, blog posts, podcasts, etc) Protecting users by investigating bad actors, DAOs focused on socialization, Onboarding new users, Working on inclusion/diversity/advocacy
Based on the project description, ReFi Medellín is involved in growing a new community around sustainable and equitable Web3 innovations, organizing events and hackathons which provide educational resources and opportunities for social involvement and inclusivity.