Emir Can Dündar

Emir Can Dündar

Transformed hemp into sustainable textile products, empowering marginalized artisan women through skills development. Future plans include a new hemp product series promoting eco-friendly materials and community empowerment.
Applied on: 18 Nov 2023 08:06 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 06:16 AM
Applicants should have contributed to EarthistDAO in the past year
The project description indicates that Emir Can Dündar has leveraged textile expertise to transform fiber into products using raw hemp material sourced from Earthist Network within the past 6 months, which is within the past year.
All projects will be evaluated by the community
There is no information provided regarding whether the project 'Emir Can Dündar' has already been evaluated by the community or will be subjected to such an evaluation.
Projects with %60 consensus from the community will be eligible
The provided information does not contain any detail about the level of consensus 'Emir Can Dündar' has achieved within the community, so it's unclear whether it meets the required 60% consensus.