ReFi Istanbul

ReFi Istanbul

Establish a regenerative community in Istanbul focused on sustainable development, knowledge sharing, seed banking, collaborative spaces, and web3 integration.
Applied on: 15 Aug 2023 09:18 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 14 Feb 2024 06:01 AM
NEW NODES must apply via:
The application status of ReFi Istanbul as a new node via the provided link is not specified in the provided information.
EXISTING NODES must prove impact:
ReFi Istanbul is not indicated as an existing node thus this requirement is not applicable. However, if it is an existing node, there is no evidence provided in the information to prove impact.
Be led by two or more founders
ReFi Istanbul lists four individuals which are likely to be founders or leading team members, satisfying the multiple founders requirement.
Founders must make a 3-5 year commitment to regeneration in their city
There is no explicit statement regarding the founders' commitment timeline. The project's mission suggests a long-term vision but does not quantify the years of commitment.
Demonstrate a clear and compelling vision for regenerating their city
ReFi Istanbul articulates a vision for establishing a regenerative community and outlines specific objectives, showing a clear and compelling vision for regeneration of their city.
Be able to identify key local leaders across public, private, and third sectors
The project description does not specifically mention engagement with key local leaders across different sectors, so it is unclear if they have identified such individuals.
Be able to gather support from advisors across web3, climate, and social justice
The project mentions coordination with web3 organizations but does not provide evidence of advisor support spanning web3, climate, and social justice sectors.
Demonstrate event organizing and community building competence
While the project describes objectives that involve event organizing, there is no clear evidence provided of past competence in these areas.
Receive match funding in cUSD via a Celo multi-sig with at least one signer performing KYC
There is no information provided regarding match funding, the status of a Celo multi-sig, or whether any signers have performed KYC.