ReFi Amsterdam

ReFi Amsterdam

Establish a local node in Amsterdam to bridge web3, sustainability, and fintech, fostering community engagement, supporting startups, and facilitating collaboration for regenerative society growth. Fundraising target: €6,000.
Applied on: 25 Aug 2023 08:57 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 14 Feb 2024 06:12 AM
NEW NODES must apply via:
There is no information provided to confirm if 'ReFi Amsterdam' has applied via the provided link.
EXISTING NODES must prove impact:
'ReFi Amsterdam' seems to be a new node seeking funding to kick-off and there is no evidence presented of previous impact.
Be led by two or more founders
'ReFi Amsterdam' is led by Cynthia de Wolf and Luuk Weber, indicating compliance with this criterion.
Founders must make a 3-5 year commitment to regeneration in their city
The description of 'ReFi Amsterdam' implies a long-term commitment, but a specific 3-5 year commitment is not explicitly mentioned.
Demonstrate a clear and compelling vision for regenerating their city
'ReFi Amsterdam' presents a clear vision for regenerating the city through community building, empowering local startups, and collaboration.
Be able to identify key local leaders across public, private, and third sectors
While 'ReFi Amsterdam' mentions collaboration with stakeholders, there is no specific mention of having identified key local leaders across sectors.
Be able to gather support from advisors across web3, climate, and social justice
The application speaks to the intention to collaborate with local communities and stakeholders, but it does not provide details on existing advisor support.
Demonstrate event organizing and community building competence
With experience running community events and the stated goal of organizing gatherings and collaborations, 'ReFi Amsterdam' demonstrates competence in event organizing and community building.
Receive match funding in cUSD via a Celo multi-sig with at least one signer performing KYC
There is no information available to confirm whether 'ReFi Amsterdam' meets the requirement for match funding and the KYC process for the Celo multi-sig.