ReFi Paramaribo | Innovators Buzz: An innovative community rooted in regeneration & technology

ReFi Paramaribo | Innovators Buzz: An innovative community rooted in regeneration & technology

Innovative Surinamese community empowering sustainable and equitable growth through co-working, education, networking, and regenerative finance impact projects.
Applied on: 14 Aug 2023 04:00 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 14 Feb 2024 06:13 AM
NEW NODES must apply via:
The provided description does not specify whether ReFi Paramaribo has applied through the provided link. Verification is required.
EXISTING NODES must prove impact:
ReFi Paramaribo appears to be a new node, as the description suggests they are seeking contributions. This criterion applies to existing nodes only.
Be led by two or more founders
ReFi Paramaribo lists three team members who appear to be in leadership roles, indicating that the project is led by multiple founders.
Founders must make a 3-5 year commitment to regeneration in their city
The project description implies long-term commitment through its goals and planned projects, but there is no explicit mention of a 3-5 year commitment by the founders.
Demonstrate a clear and compelling vision for regenerating their city
The project outlines specific initiatives and a direction aimed at regenerating the economic and environmental aspects of Suriname, showing a clear and compelling vision.
Be able to identify key local leaders across public, private, and third sectors
Although the project mentions a network of local changemakers and innovators, it doesn't provide specifics on key leaders across required sectors.
Be able to gather support from advisors across web3, climate, and social justice
The application mentions networking and support for local projects but does not indicate specific advisors from web3, climate, or social justice sectors.
Demonstrate event organizing and community building competence
The description emphasizes hosting networking events and building a local community, suggesting competence in event organizing and community building.
Receive match funding in cUSD via a Celo multi-sig with at least one signer performing KYC
There is no information provided in the description regarding the match funding mechanism or KYC completion by a signer.