

Web3 multi-chain casino with transparent, smart contract-based games like roulette and dice, offering blockchain-powered fairness, privacy, and native $N2W rewards. No sign-ups or KYC required.
Applied on: 2 Mar 2024 12:30 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 4 Mar 2024 08:01 PM
Projects must integrate Web3 with an emphasis on decentralized and trustless protocols.
The project is a centralized web3 casino which doesn't seem to emphasize decentralized aspects beyond using smart contracts for game functionality.
Projects must be gaming-focused, or provide tooling or infrastructure aimed at supporting Web3 gaming.
Nice2Win is gaming-focused as it provides a variety of casino games like roulette, dice, and coinflip.
Projects must have a live product or be in active development.
Nice2Win has a functioning website and operational smart contracts, indicating a live product.
Projects should have an active community of developers or users.
There is no information available about the user or developer community.
Projects should demonstrate a commitment to ongoing improvement and maintenance.
Based on the provided GitHub activity data, there have been no commits, pull requests, or issues in the past 3 months, indicating a lack of ongoing development activity.
Projects should have utility or add value to the Web3 gaming ecosystem.
While the project adds gaming utility, it's uncertain how much value it contributes specifically to the Web3 gaming ecosystem as opposed to the online gambling sector in general.
Projects must not be a fork of an existing project with minimal changes.
There is not enough information available to determine whether Nice2Win is a fork of another project or if it provides unique value through substantial changes.
Projects must be open source with a clearly indicated license.
There is no clear indication of a license or whether the project codebase is open source.
The project team must have a strong understanding of Web3 and the technology stack they are working with.
There is insufficient information to assess the team's understanding of Web3 and their technology stack.
Projects must foster inclusivity and should aim to be accessible to a wide audience.
The project is gambling-focused, which might not be considered inclusive or accessible to a wide audience due to regulatory and ethical concerns.