Psychedelic Puppet Show DAO

Psychedelic Puppet Show DAO

A non-profit creating educational content on psychedelics aims to establish a DAO for community governance and creator revenue-sharing, with plans for an alpha season and an NFT collection.
Applied on: 7 Nov 2023 10:57 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 09:31 AM
Web3 Community & Education Round Eligibility
The Psychedelic Puppet Show DAO meets the general theme of community and education through creative content and establishing a DAO.
Mission-Oriented: The project must aim to improve the Web3 ecosystem.
The project's goal of establishing a community DAO and providing educational content on psychedelics has an indirect impact on improving the Web3 ecosystem by fostering community engagement.
Minimum Age: Projects must have been active for at least 3 months.
The project was conceived at the Canadian Psychedelic Summit last summer, which indicates that it has been active for more than 3 months.
Community Growth Initiatives
The project aims to create a global competition for new episodes and artworks, enhancing community growth in the Web3 space.
Educational Material & Resources
The content that the DAO is planning to produce about psychedelic knowledge will serve as educational material.
Investigative Journalism (e.g. impact reporting, bad actor investigations)
There is no mention of investigative journalism or related activities in the project description.
Content Creation (e.g., YouTube tutorials, newsletters, blogs, podcasts, memes)
The project has already produced a video with significant viewership and plans to create more content, fitting the content creation criteria.
Community-Building DAOs
The initiative to create a DAO focuses on community governance and funding for creative projects, meeting the criteria for a community-building DAO.
User Onboarding
While the project is educational and could onboard users to Web3 through their content, there is no explicit mention of onboarding initiatives.
Inclusion, Diversity, and Advocacy Programs
The project description does not explicitly mention efforts towards inclusion, diversity, or advocacy programs.