Bankless Turkish

Bankless Turkish

Promoting web3 and crypto adoption in Turkey through Turkish content creation, university partnerships, local events, ecosystem collaboration, and empowering NGOs with web3 technology integration. Seeking funding for expansion and community engagement.
Applied on: 7 Nov 2023 03:40 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 09:17 AM
Web3 Community & Education Round Eligibility
Bankless Turkish aligns with the goal of promoting Web3 and is seeking funding which suggests they may comply with grant requirements.
To be eligible for this grant round, applicants must meet the general eligibility policy and the following specific criteria:
The project description suggests it meets the general eligibility policy and the specific criteria mentioned.
Mission-Oriented: The project must aim to improve the Web3 ecosystem.
Bankless Turkish is focused on onboarding and education within the Turkish community to improve the Web3 ecosystem.
Minimum Age: Projects must have been active for at least 3 months.
The project is likely to have been active for at least 3 months given its produced content and planned events.
Qualifying Project Types:
Bankless Turkish engages in several activities like educational content production and community events that are qualifying types of projects.
Community Growth Initiatives
The project has an active role in growing the community through local events and engagement.
Educational Material & Resources
They produce newsletters and educational videos, indicating they provide educational material and resources.
Investigative Journalism (e.g. impact reporting, bad actor investigations)
While the group is active in content creation, it is unclear if they specifically engage in investigative journalism.
Content Creation (e.g., YouTube tutorials, newsletters, blogs, podcasts, memes)
Bankless Turkish creates various types of content including newsletters and videos as per their description.
Community-Building DAOs
Bankless Turkish's activities around fostering a network within the DAO community indicates they are involved in community-building through DAOs.
User Onboarding
Bankless Turkish's mission includes onboarding people to web3, which is a form of user onboarding.
Inclusion, Diversity, and Advocacy Programs
They aim to bridge cultural divides and are committed to inclusion within the Turkish community.