Commons Stack

Commons Stack

Enable communities to fund and govern missions using our open-source blueprints and tools for sustainable token economies and shared governance, backed by research and proven frameworks.
Applied on: 11 Jan 2024 03:03 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 31 Jan 2024 08:57 AM
Having completed the submission to Polygon Village within the established deadlines and having received the invitation email from Polygon Village
The provided information does not include details about the submission timeline or the receipt of an invitation email from Polygon Village.
Comply with the T&Cs accepted when submitted to Polygon Village
There is no specific information given that confirms the project's compliance with the terms and conditions accepted when submitted to Polygon Village.
The solution for which the grant is asked must be developed on Polygon chain.
The project description specifies plans to integrate their solutions with Polygon zkEVM, implying that the solution for which the grant is being requested is being developed on the Polygon chain.
The project must be at least three months old, and in active development
The project website and Github repositories demonstrate a track record of previous activity, and there is recent activity on GitHub, indicating that the project is at least three months old and in active development.