cadCAD: Computer Aided Design for Complex Systems

cadCAD: Computer Aided Design for Complex Systems

Seeking donations to further develop cadCAD, an open-source simulation tool for complex systems, by hiring support roles, expanding model libraries, and launching educational bounties for community growth.
Applied on: 14 Nov 2023 12:01 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 11:07 AM
Web3 Community & Education Round Eligibility
The cadCAD project appears to align with the Web3 Community & Education goals by fostering community growth and education through its modeling and simulation tools.
To be eligible for this grant round, applicants must meet the general eligibility policy and the following specific criteria:
cadCAD meets the general eligibility policy, maintaining an active project and proposing initiatives that can enhance the Web3 ecosystem.
Mission-Oriented: The project must aim to improve the Web3 ecosystem.
cadCAD aims to improve the Web3 ecosystem by providing tools for simulating complex systems, which are crucial for crypto-economic research and design.
Minimum Age: Projects must have been active for at least 3 months.
cadCAD has been active for over 3 months, as evidenced by ongoing development and community activities.
Qualifying Project Types:
cadCAD qualifies as it is involved in educational initiatives and community growth through its open-source development and bounty programs.
Community Growth Initiatives
cadCAD is initiating community growth by registering as a non-profit and launching bounty programs for community engagement.
Educational Material & Resources
The project contributes educational material, such as documentation and tutorials, that are essential for understanding and utilizing cadCAD's technology.
Investigative Journalism (e.g. impact reporting, bad actor investigations)
There is no clear indication that cadCAD is directly involved in investigative journalism, such as impact reporting or bad actor investigations.
Content Creation (e.g., YouTube tutorials, newsletters, blogs, podcasts, memes)
cadCAD is involved in content creation, as they plan to expand their tutorial series and potentially create other forms of educational content.
Community-Building DAOs
While cadCAD supports the Web3 ecosystem, it's unclear if they are directly involved in building DAOs or if their tools simply support such activities.
User Onboarding
cadCAD's proposed bounty programs and educational materials are designed to help onboard new users to their platform and the broader Web3 ecosystem.
Inclusion, Diversity, and Advocacy Programs
The cadCAD project mentions the development of an ecosystem that includes different backgrounds, which suggests a commitment to inclusion and diversity.