

Onlyfun is a zero-cost blockchain content platform with multiple mainchain support, independent content columns, NFTs, mining, and cross-chain functionality for secure transactions and community interactions.
Applied on: 12 Nov 2023 03:47 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 11:01 AM
Web3 Community & Education Round Eligibility
The project promotes user interaction, content creation, and has a token system to incentivize participation, which aligns with broad Web3 community and educational values.
To be eligible for this grant round, applicants must meet the general eligibility policy and the following specific criteria:
The project appears to meet the specific criteria outlined for the grant round, although this score assumes the project also meets all other general eligibility policies not specifically mentioned in the provided detail.
Mission-Oriented: The project must aim to improve the Web3 ecosystem.
The project aims to create a blockchain-based social platform for content sharing and interaction which contributes to improving and expanding the Web3 ecosystem.
Minimum Age: Projects must have been active for at least 3 months.
The roadmap provided indicates activity and updates that have been happening well before the past 3 months, suggesting the project has been active for a sufficient period.
Community Growth Initiatives
The project has modules like 'Columns' and 'Ground' to foster community interaction and growth, as well as incentivize user participation through token mining and reward systems.
Educational Material & Resources
While Onlyfun aims at content creation and distribution, it's not clear if these include educational materials and resources aimed at teaching Web3 concepts.
Investigative Journalism (e.g. impact reporting, bad actor investigations)
There is no information provided indicating that Onlyfun undertakes investigative journalism or related activities.
Content Creation (e.g., YouTube tutorials, newsletters, blogs, podcasts, memes)
Onlyfun encourages content creation by allowing users to create and manage 'Columns' for various content types, which may include those listed here.
Community-Building DAOs
The project does mention 'Founding NFTs' with governance value, suggesting a DAO-like element, but it's not clear if it operates as or supports DAOs for community building.
User Onboarding
Onlyfun has an open invitation system and user incentives which facilitate user onboarding onto their platform and, by extension, onto Web3.
Inclusion, Diversity, and Advocacy Programs
There is no explicit mention or evidence of programs specifically designed to address inclusion, diversity, and advocacy within the context of the Onlyfun platform.