Trustless zkMafia

Trustless zkMafia

Developing a trustless, onchain Mafia game with zero-knowledge proofs, providing open-source ZK primitives for Ethereum gaming and potential for client-side proof generation and ZK-enabled machine learning NPCs.
Applied on: 20 Apr 2023 12:32 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 13 Feb 2024 02:44 PM
The Grant must be in support of, or directly advancing the ZK tools, libraries, community, or protocols.
The project 'Trustless zkMafia' aims to develop a trustless version of the Mafia game using zero-knowledge proofs, and includes the creation of open-source ZK primitives for the wider Ethereum ecosystem, directly supporting and advancing ZK tools and libraries.
The Grant should be focused on accomplishing the following for ZK: Usability - improving the user experience of zero-knowledge tools/libraries, not zero-knowledge rollups. This could also be technical education and documentation. Tooling - improving the developer experience or making it easier to develop applications utilizing zero-knowledge proofs or technology. Applications - technical implementations of zero-knowledge proofs and circuits, not simply applications built on top of zero-knowledge roll ups.
The project includes improvement of usability via an open-source game to onboard users into the Ethereum ecosystem, creation of open-source libraries for game development with hidden information mechanics leveraging ZK technology, and possibly extending to hardware acceleration for client-side proof generation and ZK-enabled machine learning NPCs, thus improving both the user and developer experience for ZK tech.
The project must have been active in the last 3 months - social media and GitHub.
According to provided GitHub activity data, the user 'harrykingdon' has not shown any activity in the form of commits, pull requests, or issues on GitHub in the past 3 months. Additionally, there is no provided information on social media activity.
The project should have demonstrated either concrete progress, or evidence of a substantive technical roadmap that clarifies how ZK technology will be used and advanced.
The project description outlines a substantive technical roadmap detailing the use of ZK technology for the Mafia game with verifiable votes using ZK proofs, and development of open-source ZK primitives, which demonstrates a planned advancement of ZK technology.
The Grant deliverables should be open source.
The proposal mentions the creation of several open-source ZK primitives and libraries, as well as an open-source game, confirming that the grant deliverables are intended to be open source.
Satisfy the Program General Eligibility Policy in addition to the requirements outlined above.
There is insufficient information to determine if the project 'Trustless zkMafia' meets the Program General Eligibility Policy. The proposal text implies alignment with the ethos of the program, but without details of the general policy, the evaluation cannot be conclusive.