

Web3 email service using wallet/ENS addresses for signing and encryption, compatible with conventional email, free to use, open-source, with ongoing UX improvements.
Applied on: 14 Nov 2023 03:31 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 14 Feb 2024 02:37 PM
The Grant must be in support of or directly advance the Global Chinese Community ecosystem; At least one founder or core team member uses Chinese as their daily language
While the project appears to be aimed at the web3 space, which could include the Global Chinese Community, there is no explicit mention of the team's language skills or focus on the Chinese-speaking community from the information provided.
Projects haven’t received significant external funding via venture capital, token launches, or NFT sales
The project description does not indicate any significant external funding; rather, it suggests the project is seeking community support to remain free and neutral.
Projects must be at least 1-month old and have a PoC/MVP. We will use Twitter, web domain registration date, and other public info to determine this. Newer projects should establish themselves and submit to the next round.
The project has a functioning website and mentions an early test version available, indicating the presence of a PoC/MVP. Additionally, the project won a prize at a hackathon, suggesting it has been around for some time.
Grantees who received funding in a previous round(s) must provide a new update on their progress and impact.
There is no information provided on whether the project has previously received funding through Gitcoin or any updates related to previous rounds.
The Grant owner must be directly affiliated with the project, the funds must go to the project and be used for the purposes stated in Grant’s details.
The grant owner's GitHub profile 'Gooong' is linked to the project's GitHub, suggesting direct affiliation. The project's goals are clearly stated, which sets expectations for the use of funds.
Grantees can be eliminated from consideration in the round if they are found to be encouraging or enabling Sybil attacks or other forms of malicious manipulation of the grants platform or the Gitcoin community.
There are no indications of malicious behavior such as Sybil attacks from the provided information. Hence the project is compliant with this requirement based on current knowledge.