

Support builders in utilizing Uniswap and Arbitrum programs, increase program visibility, assist delegates in performance monitoring, and enhance ecosystem support mechanisms.
Applied on: 30 Jul 2024 09:29 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 31 Jul 2024 12:20 AM
Project is exclusively building within the Uniswap-Arbitrum ecosystem
The project's primary goal is to enhance support mechanisms within the Uniswap and Arbitrum ecosystems, aligning directly with Uniswap-Arbitrum integration.
Project is focused on long-term benefits and growth within the Uniswap-Arbitrum ecosystem
The project aims to foster growth and support long-term benefits by improving accessibility and efficiency of support mechanisms for builders, aligning with the objective of sustainable development.
Project has a clear and thorough plan for achieving its goals, including detailed milestones and deliverables
The application outlines specific phases, steps, KPIs, and deliverables which demonstrate a clear and thorough plan for achieving project goals.
Project provides a detailed budget for expenditure of funds requested
The project provides a detailed breakdown of anticipated costs, covering stakeholder engagement, data collection, categorization, analysis, development, and documentation.
Project aligns with Uniswap’s goals of fostering innovation, ecosystem robustness, and community-driven growth
The project's mission to democratize venture building and enhance support systems within the Uniswap-Arbitrum ecosystem aligns with Uniswap's goals of fostering innovation, robustness, and community-driven growth.
Project delivers specific benefits to the Uniswap ecosystem within Arbitrum
The project aims to provide several specific benefits including improved accessibility to resources, increased efficiency and impact, enhanced ecosystem collaboration, data-driven insights, and strengthened community engagement.
Project has identified a target audience and provides value propositions for them
The project clearly identifies its target audience as builders and support programs within Uniswap and Arbitrum ecosystems, providing specific value propositions for each group.
Project team has relevant experience and roles defined
The team is composed of experienced members with a proven track record in venture building, tech solutions, community building, and project management.
Project is self-funded or has not received significant funding from other grant programs
The project is self-funded and has not received any funding from other grant programs, specifically Uniswap or Arbitrum-related programs.
Project has undergone a security audit or plans to undergo one if necessary
The project has not undergone a security audit yet but is willing to undergo an audit if required.
Project has a demo available
A demo is available for the project and has been shared via a public link.
Project is open-source or provides plans to open-source its deliverables
While the project is not currently open-source, it plans to open-source its deliverables in the future.