
A trusted yield optimizer offering a web app to autocompound crypto yields across multiple DeFi chains, saving time, gas, and improving returns.
Applied on: 20 May 2024 10:16 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 21 May 2024 12:12 AM
Project exclusively build within the Uniswap-Arbitrum ecosystem
The project aims to enhance Uniswap v3 liquidity management on the Arbitrum platform.
Focus on long-term benefits
Beefy has a track record of long-term liquidity solutions and aims to bring the same to Uniswap v3 with its CLM.
Leverage Uniswap’s allocation of ARB tokens
The application does not explicitly mention leveraging Uniswap’s allocation of ARB tokens.
Enhance the Uniswap ecosystem within the Arbitrum Protocol
The project plans to offer incentives and infrastructure enhancements specifically aimed at boosting Uniswap v3 on Arbitrum.
Provide measurable KPIs
The project provides clear KPIs, including user adoption and TVL.
Detailed expenditure plan
The project provides a detailed expenditure plan that includes audits, infrastructure costs, and incentives.
Already funded by other grant programs
The project is already funded by the LTIPP grant.
Undergoing or planning a security audit
The project has undergone multiple audits and is planning a fourth one with Trail of Bits.
Is this project open-source?
The project is open-source and provides a GitHub repository link.
Does this project have a demo?
The project has a live beta demo available on their website.
The team is aware of the Code of Conduct and KYC/KYB requirements
The project team has confirmed their understanding of the Code of Conduct and KYC/KYB requirements.
How did you find out about UAGP?
The project team found out about UAGP through a personal referral.