

Ascendia offers a simplified blockchain gaming platform with one account for all games, easy navigation, instant play, hidden blockchain complexities, and advanced NFT marketplace features.
Applied on: 14 Sep 2023 09:24 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 07:31 AM
The project must be primarily focused on gaming and build on Arbitrum. Projects should propose innovative gaming solutions that leverage the scalability and efficiency of Arbitrum.
Ascendia describes itself as a Game Distribution Platform, indicating a primary focus on gaming. While the provided information doesn't explicitly state it is built on Arbitrum, the project's aim to provide blockchain solutions suggests it could be leveraging Arbitrum's features.
Demonstrable progress towards creating a functional gaming product or platform is required. The project must have a well-defined gameplay concept and mechanics.
The project description outlines the benefits of their blockchain game platform for end-users, but does not provide direct evidence of a functional gaming product, gameplay concept, or mechanics at this stage.
Integration of decentralized technologies like NFTs and blockchain-based rewards would be amazing
The project mentions offering NFT tooling akin to a typical game - marketplace, which implies the integration of decentralized technologies like NFTs.
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