Eth Rebuild

Eth Rebuild

A no code, visual platform designed to educate new users on Ethereum, inspired by eth-build and aiming to make blockchain technology more accessible.
Applied on: 21 Nov 2023 11:56 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 14 Feb 2024 12:14 PM
Meaningfully contributing to the ethereum ecosystem
The project 'Eth Rebuild' is a no-code editor aimed at onboarding new users to the Ethereum ecosystem in a visual and less intimidating manner. This echoes the mission of 'Eth Build' by Austin Griffith and addresses a gap left by its lack of maintenance. As such, it serves to educate and empower users which is a meaningful contribution to the ecosystem.
Must have a profile on - you can get this by completing
The provided information does not include details regarding the user 'MercuricChloride' or the project 'Eth Rebuild' having a profile on or completing the required Speedrun Ethereum. Without this verification, it cannot be determined if they meet this criterion.