

WalletX is a crypto browser extension that simplifies interactions with dApps, offering features like batch transactions and gas payments in ERC20 tokens through Account Abstraction.
Applied on: 18 Nov 2023 05:30 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 14 Feb 2024 12:14 PM
Meaningfully contributing to the ethereum ecosystem
WalletX is providing a crypto browser extension that supports Account Abstraction, which aligns with meaningful contributions by enhancing user experiences and integrating advanced features like batch transactions and gas payments in ERC20 tokens
Must have a profile on buidlguidl.com - you can get this by completing speedrunethereum.com
There is no direct evidence provided that indicates the project or its members have completed speedrunethereum.com or have a profile on buidlguidl.com; further verification is required