

Fairblock simplifies on-chain encryption, making it composable and compliant across major protocols, applications, and wallets.
Applied on: 4 Jun 2024 07:15 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 5 Jun 2024 12:13 AM
The project aligns with the objectives of the Uniswap-Arbitrum Grant Program to foster growth and advance projects that exclusively build within the Uniswap-Arbitrum ecosystem, focusing on long-term benefits.
The project is designed to integrate with Uniswap on Arbitrum and aims to enhance its functionality by adding pre-execution encryption, which addresses issues like MEV and improves capital efficiency.
The project clearly describes the development and implementation plan, including specific goals and milestones.
The project outlines detailed milestones, including contract deployment, frontend and backend development, testnet launch, audit, and mainnet launch with KPI tracking.
The project provides a detailed plan for expenditures and justifies the requested amount.
The project clearly details how the $60,000 will be spent, including allocations for two engineers and marketing/BD efforts.
The project measures success through clear, relevant KPIs.
The project lists three specific KPIs: capital saved from avoiding bad MEV, number of encrypted transactions, and average increase in capital efficiency.
The project aligns with Uniswap's goals and anticipates specific benefits to the Uniswap ecosystem within Arbitrum.
The project aims to enhance the Uniswap-Arbitrum trading experience with encryption, improving capital efficiency and protecting trading strategies, which aligns with Uniswap's goals.
The project targets a relevant audience within the Uniswap community and provides unique value proposition.
The target audience includes sophisticated traders who would benefit from encryption and bad MEV protection, providing unique value within the Uniswap community.
The project showcases the experience and qualifications of team members to ensure successful implementation.
The team members have relevant experience in cryptography, blockchain development, and DeFi, which supports the project's successful implementation.
The project is not already funded by other grant programs from Uniswap or Arbitrum (if funded by any such programs, it should be specified).
The project has already received grants from Arbitrum and the Atom Accelerator DAO (AADAO).
The project has undergone or plans to undergo a security audit.
The project has undergone one round of audits and plans to undergo additional rounds before mainnet launch.
The project is open-source and provides a repository link.
The project is open-source and the repository is available on GitHub.
The project has a working demo available or plans to provide one.
While a demo for Fairyswap is not yet available, other demos are provided on the project's website, and there is a plan to provide a demo for Fairyswap.