PLUME: Pseudonymously Linked Unique Message Entities, aka Verifiably Deterministic Signatures on Ethereum

PLUME: Pseudonymously Linked Unique Message Entities, aka Verifiably Deterministic Signatures on Ethereum

Project to implement cryptographic signature enhancements for Ethereum keys to enable anonymous, sybil-resistant web3 apps, including private voting and airdrops, and fund development, code audits, and related research.
Applied on: 17 Apr 2024 12:54 AM
User Review
Reviewed on 17 Apr 2024 02:06 PM
Significant reduction of development barriers or enhancement of project efficiency.
Demonstrated support and usage within the developer community.
Adding verifiably deterministic signatures to existing Ethereum keys will make it possible to have a unique, anonymous identity unlocking sybil-resistant anonymous apps like zk nullifiers for anonymous unlinked airdrops and anonymous decentralized voting. It has 122 stars and 22 forks in GitHub. 4 weekly downloads in NPM and 321 downloads in
AI Review
Reviewed on 17 Apr 2024 01:02 AM
Significant reduction of development barriers or enhancement of project efficiency.
The project provides verifiably deterministic signatures for Ethereum keys, which enhances the security and pseudonymity of decentralized applications. This cryptographic primitive development can significantly reduce barriers and augment efficiency in creating sybil-resistant apps, anonymous voting, and other Dapps requiring unique, secure identities.
Demonstrated support and usage within the developer community.
The project has shown continuous progress with active commits and pull requests, has published npm and cargo packages, and has integrated or plans to integrate with multiple wallets and platforms as per their updates. The metrics on npm and, as well as the number of commits, pull requests, and issues, demonstrate an active developer community and usage.