DeSci Asia

DeSci Asia

DeSci Asia
Applied on: 25 Apr 2024 12:39 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 25 Apr 2024 01:02 AM
Project name: DeSci Asia
The project name 'DeSci Asia' is clearly mentioned and matches the project being evaluated.
Project website:
The provided link leads to the project's official Twitter page, which acts as their website for updates and information dissemination.
Project description: DeSci Asia: Building bridges, sharing knowledge and fostering growth for DeSci communities in Asia.
The project has a clear description that indicates its purpose and target community.
Our goals for 2024 are:
The project has outlined specific goals for 2024 regarding community engagement, event hosting, and translation work.
Update on DeSci connection
The project provides updates on their community connections, member count, and event activities.
Update on DeSci Education
DeSci Asia has shown progress in terms of DeSci education, including article translations and self-learning series.
Update on local DeSci community development
The project has actively worked on local community development, which includes funding retrospectives and engaging with different regional DeSci communities.
Update on DeSciAsia Development
The updates indicate progress in team development, collaborative efforts, and partnerships.
There is a clear plan for the allocation of funds raised through Gitcoin grants.
The project details a system for transparency and accountability in payments through multisign meetings.
Gitcoin Grants 19 and related update
DeSci Asia has provided detailed information about their participation in previous Gitcoin rounds including raised and matching funds.
Gitcoin Grants 18 and related update
Similar to the previous Gitcoin Grants round, they have provided updates about the funds received and their use.
The project has set quantifiable milestones for growth and development within their community.
Safe multisign holders
The project employs multisignature wallets for fund safety and governance, which is good practice for community-driven initiatives.
Execution team
Members of the execution team are provided with links to their social profiles, demonstrating transparency.
Active contributors
The project has a list of active contributors with social profile links, indicating an active and engaged team.
Project Twitter:
The Twitter link is correctly provided and leads to the official project social media page.
Project Github:
The GitHub link is provided and directs to the official project repository.
User Github:
The GitHub user link belongs to a contributor and leads to their profile.
Github recent activity (only view recent activity if there's more than 5 commits in the past 3 months)
The recent activity criteria specify looking for 'more than 5 commits in the past 3 months.' The provided data shows only 3 commits for user 'Swiftevo' and 0 commits for 'DeSciAsia'.