Citizen Wallet: an open source wallet with account abstraction for your community token

Citizen Wallet: an open source wallet with account abstraction for your community token

Open-source, community-owned crypto wallet designed for non-technical users in web3 communities and DAOs to manage community tokens with user-friendly customization options.
Applied on: 9 Jan 2024 05:15 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 31 Jan 2024 09:03 AM
Having completed the submission to Polygon Village within the established deadlines and having received the invitation email from Polygon Village
There is no information provided confirming whether the project has completed the submission to Polygon Village within the established deadlines and has received the invitation email.
Comply with the T&Cs accepted when submitted to Polygon Village
There is no evidence provided to assess whether the project complies with the T&Cs accepted when it was submitted to Polygon Village.
The solution for which the grant is asked must be developed on Polygon chain.
The project's description implies that it is developed on the Polygon chain, as it specifically caters to the issue of gas fees paid by token issuers, which is relevant to chains like Polygon.
The project must be at least three months old, and in active development
According to the GitHub recent activity overview, there has been consistent development activity over the past 3 months, which indicates that the project is in active development. However, there is no information about when the project started, so the exact age cannot be determined from the information provided.