Realms, a B Labs project

Realms, a B Labs project

B Labs partners with Cult DAO to enhance community productivity using Realms, a community management tool with governance systems and sub-organization capabilities for decentralized organizational efficiency.
Applied on: 10 Nov 2023 04:10 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 14 Feb 2024 03:09 PM
Branding: Combine Cult DAO branding with graphics and content from Lunarpunk and Solarpunk communities, protocols building on Modulus, past Cult grantees, and other Cult aligned initiatives applying for Gitcoin funding. The purpose is giving direction to how we communicate on Twitter by converting our raw energy into value alignment and incentives for other communities and contributors.
The provided information lacks specific details on how 'Realms, a B Labs project' would combine Cult DAO branding with Lunarpunk/Solarpunk communities, or with protocols on Modulus. There's also no mention of communications strategy or Twitter content creation for demonstrating such branding alignment.
Partnerships: If you have ideas for developing sustained partnerships with value aligned communities or individuals, or you have already done so and can provide evidence to back your claims, then send us your ideas. Think of protocols and initiatives which support environmental sustainability and regenerative finance, decentralized organizing, mental health care, public goods funding, etc.The objective is value aligned returns on relationship (a term due to Holly) which build Cult DAO’s legitimacy over time when properly managed. Please send your plan as to why your partnership idea fits. This is not about flashes in the pan or influencers promoting Cult.
'Realms, a B Labs project' has described their intent to foster a partnership with Cult DAO that is based on improving decentralized community management and governance, which is aligned with Cult DAO's interests in decentralized organizing. They intend for this to be achieved through the use of their Realms tool and have proposed a collaborative exploration of how to utilize their respective strengths. This indicates a planned, sustained partnership rather than a short-term promotion or endorsement.