Regen Design Agency
Applied on: 28 Mar 2024 09:26 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 7 Apr 2024 12:12 AM
Project name
The project name is missing, which is a required field for a basic understanding and identification of the project.
Project website
The project website is not provided. A website is crucial for accessing detailed information about the project and its utility.
Project description
There is no project description provided. The project description is essential to understand the project's purpose, goals, and relevance.
Project Twitter
No Twitter handle is provided; however, it is categorized as N/A which could mean that the project doesn’t use Twitter as a platform for communication.
Project Github
Project Github link is missing. The Github repository is necessary to review the codebase, development activity, and open-source contributions.
User Github
The user's Github handle is missing. This is important to validate the creator's identity and assess their history and contributions to the project or other projects.
Github recent activity (only view recent activity if there's more than 5 commits in the past 3 months)
There is no information about Github activity because the Project Github link is not provided. It is not possible to assess the project's development activity without this data.