My P-P-Protocol

My P-P-Protocol

Function to fetch and return the current block number of a subgraph for a given blockchain chain ID.
Applied on: 21 Feb 2024 11:13 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 29 Mar 2024 12:16 AM
Non-profit oriented
The provided information does not specify whether the project operates on a not-for-profit basis.
Blockchain focus
Based on the project description, it involves fetching block number and hash information, indicating a blockchain focus.
In the Ethereum ecosystem
The function provided in the project description likely interacts with Ethereum subgraphs, indicating involvement in the Ethereum ecosystem.
In the public good sector or broaden participation in the digital economy
There is not enough information provided to determine if the project serves the public good or broadens participation in the digital economy.
Not a fork of an existing project unless the fork has substantial modifications
Without a project Github link or further information, it is impossible to determine if this is a fork or an original project.
Open Source
There is no available project Github link or mention of an open-source license.
Meets a threshold level of technical quality and design
Insufficient information is provided to evaluate the project's technical quality and design.
Is in need of funding
Without additional context or a statement from the project, it is unclear if they are in need of funding.
Has shown some progress already (i.e., they are passed the idea phase)
Only a single function is provided as a description, and there's no evidence of project milestones or development progress.
A summary of Github activity for the project
No Github activity summary is provided since there is no project Github link.
Github recent activity (only view recent activity if there's more than 5 commits in the past 3 months)
Not applicable due to lack of a project Github link or user Github details to check recent activity.