Vrumble: BattleFi

Vrumble: BattleFi

Mobile app combining social finance, live streaming, video chat, and on-chain gaming, featuring private chat rooms, mini-game battles, in-app crypto rewards, NFT upgrades, and a growing gaming community.
Applied on: 29 Mar 2024 06:25 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 7 Apr 2024 06:19 PM
Projects and grantees must contribute to the Avalanche Ecosystem in some demonstrable way. The grant must aim to support or directly advance the Avalanche ecosystem. This includes areas like: ** Public Goods Software ** Analytics ** Education ** On-Chain Infrastructure and Protocols ** Gaming ** NFT / Arts & Culture ** Consumer Applications
Vrumble: BattleFi contributes to the gaming and NFT/Arts & Culture sectors within the Avalanche ecosystem by introducing a mobile game with NFT integration and on-chain rewards, thereby aligning with the criteria.
History of contributing to the Avalanche Ecosystem: While this is not a hard requirement, previous contributions by applicants to the Avalanche ecosystem will be considered for admission into grant rounds.
The project has a history of contributing to the Avalanche ecosystem, including launching an NFT project and participating in an Avalanche hackathon where they secured third prize.
The project needs to be at least three months old: this includes having a social presence for that period, public repositories, or verified contracts deployed.
The project appears to have been in development for several years and has an established social presence, which satisfies the requirement of being at least three months old.