

An innovative crypto wallet solution in Africa that links wallet addresses to contact information for simple and secure crypto transactions via messaging platforms.
Applied on: 20 Oct 2023 01:14 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 04:32 AM
Must be a project submitted to ETHSafari Bootckathon 2023
The project description references the ETHSafari event, but there is no definitive proof provided in the information available that confirms the project was actually submitted to the ETHSafari Bootckathon 2023.
Must include open source code, no repo = no eligibility
The project has a repository linked under the Project Github: https://github.com/Scyncro-GH, indicating the inclusion of open source code.
Must be original code
Without analyzing the contents of the repository and comparing it against other projects, it's not possible to ascertain if the code is entirely original.
Must care about a problem in Africa
EazyWally is described as addressing cryptocurrency transaction simplification in Africa, particularly in urgent situations, thus showing it cares about a problem in Africa.