Kazi Krypto

Kazi Krypto

Developing a blockchain-based freelancing platform with Ethereum, ViteJS, React, Infura, and MetaMask for secure, transparent cross-chain transactions between freelancers and clients.
Applied on: 17 Oct 2023 08:54 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 04:32 AM
Must be a project submitted to ETHSafari Bootckathon 2023
There is no provided evidence within the scope of the given data to confirm that 'Kazi Krypto' was submitted to ETHSafari Bootckathon 2023.
Must include open source code, no repo = no eligibility
The project has a public repository on GitHub at https://github.com/TwigaDevs/kazikrypto, indicating that open-source code is included.
Must be original code
Without a detailed review of the codebase and its history, it cannot be determined with certainty that the code is original.
Must care about a problem in Africa
The project aims to build a freelancing platform tailored to the African context, indicating that it addresses a local employment and economic problem.