

UniTrade is a blockchain-based decentralized e-commerce platform that promises increased transparency, reduced transaction fees, and a token rewards system for a user-empowered online marketplace.
Applied on: 15 Oct 2023 09:55 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 04:31 AM
Must be a project submitted to ETHSafari Bootckathon 2023
Project Unitrade is listed on the ETHSafari Bootckathon 2023 event page on Taikai, indicating it was submitted to the event.
Must include open source code, no repo = no eligibility
A link to the GitHub repository for Unitrade has been provided, indicating the presence of open source code.
Must be original code
Without conducting a code review it is difficult to ascertain the originality of the entire codebase; the provided GitHub link and user activity suggest active development, which may imply originality but does not confirm it.
Must care about a problem in Africa
UniTrade addresses trust, security, and transparency in e-commerce, which is relevant to challenges faced by online transactions in Africa, as articulated in the project description.