

Introducing Web3Guardian, a Telegram bot using the UTU protocol for reliable user reputation checks, feedback exchange, and identity verification to enhance online trust.
Applied on: 12 Oct 2023 01:55 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 04:33 AM
Must be a project submitted to ETHSafari Bootckathon 2023
The project Web3Guardian has a page on the ETHSafari Hackathon website, indicating it was submitted to the event.
Must include open source code, no repo = no eligibility
The project provides a link to a GitHub repository, confirming it includes open-source code.
Must be original code
While the project is on GitHub, without a code audit it is unclear if all the code is original. Further investigation is required.
Must care about a problem in Africa
The project addresses the challenge of trust in digital interactions, a problem that is relevant globally, including Africa.