Riddle Me This.

Riddle Me This.

Interactive riddle challenge awarding ownership of a smart contract and prize funds for solving a riddle regarding the historic launch date of a public goods funding network.
Applied on: 27 Jul 2023 11:05 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 08:06 AM
Be a current full or part time contributor to the Gitcoin DAO
The provided project description and user information lack evidence of the contributor status within the Gitcoin DAO. No activity data sufficient to confirm their current contributor status is available.
Create a grant with a meme, either a picture included or link to the picture
The project description suggests a riddle rather than a meme, with no picture or link to a picture provided, hence failing to meet the specific criteria of including a meme.
Include your name or handle so we know who submitted it :)
The user's Github handle 'The Riddler' is included in the provided project description. Thus, it fulfills the criteria of including a name or handle.