Public Goods make you sexy (see gif)

Public Goods make you sexy (see gif)

Develop a workout routine that doubles as a fundraiser for public goods through the use of a specific program (PGN).
Applied on: 25 Jul 2023 03:36 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 08:06 AM
Be a current full or part time contributor to the Gitcoin DAO
There is no concrete evidence provided in the project description to confirm if the submitter is a current full or part time contributor to the Gitcoin DAO.
Create a grant with a meme, either a picture included or link to the picture
The project website linked to a meme in the format of a gif which fulfills the requirement of including a meme.
Include your name or handle so we know who submitted it :)
The project Twitter handle @lebraat is provided, fulfilling the requirement.