Meme Time
Applied on: 26 Jul 2023 06:31 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 08:10 AM
Be a current full or part time contributor to the Gitcoin DAO
The provided Github activity for user McKenneddy shows no commits, pull requests, or issues in the last 3 months, which may indicate that they are not an active contributor to the Gitcoin DAO.
Create a grant with a meme, either a picture included or link to the picture
Although a link to what seems to be a video meme is provided, it is not clear if this fulfills the requirement of a grant with a meme as typically grants are not submitted via video platforms like YouTube.
Include your name or handle so we know who submitted it :)
The project Twitter handle '_McKennedy_' is provided, which satisfies the requirement to include a name or handle.