Microeconomics App MVP: Empowering local Communities and Impact Creators

Microeconomics App MVP: Empowering local Communities and Impact Creators

Accelerating development of a Microeconomics app to link local NGOs and communities in Ko Phangan, leveraging blockchain technology for engagement and support.
Applied on: 29 Mar 2024 07:26 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 29 Mar 2024 08:06 AM
Project name
The project name has not been provided, so it cannot be evaluated.
Project website
The project website information is missing, making it impossible to evaluate completeness and project validity.
Project description
No project description has been given, therefore assessment of the project's goals and alignment with round's purpose cannot be made.
Project Twitter: N/A
This criterion is not a requirement for eligibility; therefore, not having a Twitter account does not disqualify the project.
Project Github: N/A
The lack of a provided Github link prevents verification of active development and assessment of community contribution, which are important factors for eligibility.
User Github: N/A
Without a User Github link, the assessment of the project lead's coding activity and history is not possible, which is crucial for evaluating the project's viability.
A summary of Github activity for the project
As no project Github is provided, there is no data available to summarize Github activity related to the project.
Github recent activity (only view recent activity if there's more than 5 commits in the past 3 months)
Cannot determine the project's recent Github activity due to a lack of provided information regarding the Github repository.