The New protocol ideas Round

The New protocol ideas Round

Building infrastructure and developer tooling for Arbitrum Nova to capitalize on its growing ecosystem, gain early mover advantage, meet developer demands, foster partnerships, diversify offerings, enhance learning, and support the community.
Applied on: 17 Aug 2023 06:53 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 13 Feb 2024 05:05 PM
Is the project currently deployed on Arbitrum (mainnet or testnet)?
The project information provided does not specify if it is deployed on Arbitrum (mainnet or testnet).
Is the project open-source with the code available?
Project Github and User Github are listed as 'N/A', indicating that the project is not open-source or the code is not available at this time.
Is the project focused on one of the following: public goods in the Arbitrum ecosystem, tooling for Arbitrum, infrastructure for Arbitrum, any application that will bring more users to the Arbitrum ecosystem?
The project description suggests that it aims to build essential infrastructure and tooling for Arbitrum Nova, which aligns with the focus areas for the Gitcoin round.
Does the project have any smart contracts that have been audited by a reputable firm?
There is no information provided about any smart contracts or their audits by a reputable firm.
Does the project have a clear description of goals and how it will use the funds?
While the project description outlines the benefits of building on Arbitrum, it does not clearly state specific goals or how funding will be used.
Has the project team been known for contributing to the Arbitrum ecosystem or other blockchain communities?
No information about the project team's contributions to Arbitrum or other blockchain communities is provided.
Does the project have a notable user or community traction?
There is no information provided about the project's user or community traction.
Does the project present an innovative solution or has potential for a significant impact?
The project claims to contribute to essential infrastructure and tooling for Arbitrum, which has potential for impact, but there is not enough information provided to determine the innovation or significance.
Is there evidence of a strong execution plan, team's capabilities, and likelihood of success?
No information has been provided about the project's execution plan, the team's capabilities, or any indicators of likelihood of success.
Github recent activity (only view recent activity if there's more than 5 commits in the past 3 months):
Since both Project Github and User Github are listed as 'N/A', there is no data to assess GitHub's recent activity.