

AstroChain aims to unite astronomy enthusiasts in an ecosystem, offering a dApp for NFT-based space content, sky scanning devices, and a metaverse platform for education and research.
Applied on: 8 May 2024 05:07 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 8 May 2024 06:00 PM
Project name: Astrochain
While the project name aligns with the round's focus, there's insufficient information provided to assess eligibility comprehensively.
Project website:
No website URL is provided, which is necessary to evaluate the project's legitimacy and progress.
Project description:
No project description is provided, hence it's not possible to determine the project's relevance to Astrochain Subsystems.
Project Twitter: N/A
The lack of a Twitter account indicates a potential lack of community engagement or public presence, which is usually essential for community-driven projects.
Project Github: N/A
No Github link is provided, thus it is not possible to verify the project's development activity, codebase, or community contributions.
User Github: N/A
The absence of a linked Github user profile means it's not possible to assess the project contributors' past work or involvement in open-source.
Funding Sources: Gitcoin
The project has indicated Gitcoin as a funding source, which is compatible with the objective of the Gitcoin round.
Team Size: 5
A team size of 5 individuals implies a sufficient team capacity to undertake a project, but without information on the team's composition and skills, it's hard to evaluate fully.
Github recent activity (only view recent activity if there's more than 5 commits in the past 3 months):
As the project's Github link is not provided, recent activity cannot be assessed. This is critical for understanding the project's development momentum.