Amazonomy - Community-led Science

Amazonomy - Community-led Science

Establishing a fishery management system for Amazon's Negro River Basin communities using traditional methods, Hidromoths, and machine learning to track fish movements, improve efficiency, and enhance food security.
Applied on: 10 Aug 2024 08:12 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 10 Aug 2024 09:00 PM
The project should fall under the category of Decentralized Science. (
The project fits into the category of Decentralized Science by promoting community-driven scientific research and integrating modern and traditional knowledge.
The project should aim to build public infrastructure for funding, creating, reviewing, crediting, storing, and/or disseminating scientific knowledge (either by orgnizing conferences, meetings, workshops and/or hackathons then contributing to onboard scientists into the blockchain ecosystem) fairly and equitably using the Web3 stack.
The project aims to build public infrastructure for storing and disseminating scientific knowledge by sharing data through platforms like Gainforest and emphasizing open, transparent data sharing.
The project should be able to clearly articulate its goals and objectives.
The project clearly articulates its goals and objectives, which are to create a sustainable fishery management system and integrate traditional knowledge with advanced technologies to improve the livelihoods of the communities.
The project must have a clear and well-defined problem statement, as well as a plan for addressing the problem.
The project provides a clear problem statement about the impact of climate change on traditional fishery practices and outlines a plan involving the use of Hidromoth subaquatic recorders to track fish movements and improve fishery management.
The project must have a clear roadmap and timeline for implementation, with achievable goals.
The project includes a detailed roadmap and timeline, starting in January 2025, with specific milestones such as deployment of Hidromoth recorders and ongoing data collection and analysis.
The project should be open-source and collaborative in nature.
It is unclear whether the project is open-source as there are no recent activities or repositories available on their GitHub.
The project must be able to provide regular updates on its progress to the Gitcoin community.
The project describes a plan for continuous data collection and regular updates, which will be shared globally, including through decentralized platforms like Gainforest.