Teahouse Finance

Teahouse Finance

Multi-strategy DeFi platform for secure crypto asset growth, serving both individual and enterprise clients with professional investment strategies tailored to risk tolerance.
Applied on: 25 Apr 2024 08:16 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 25 Apr 2024 09:00 AM
Projects must bring value to the Uniswap protocol within the Arbitrum ecosystem.
The Project website does not provide sufficient information on how it interacts specifically with the Uniswap protocol within the Arbitrum ecosystem.
Grant request must be between $50k and $250k.
The project has not specified the request amount within the provided information.
Ideas must cover published RFPs, more info here: https://uagp.notion.site/Request-for-Proposals-RFPs-367778d1df754a88b7ce3f889604c209.
It is unclear whether the project’s ideas align with the published RFPs as there is insufficient detail provided about the project's specific features or initiatives.
Undergo KYC/KYB if your idea is approved to receive a grant.
This is a procedural step that any project, including Teahouse Finance, must follow if approved for a grant, and there is no information suggesting that the project would not comply.